Thursday, October 8, 2009

Parent Teacher Meeting

I have to say I was a little nervous meeting with Mrs. Tanner, Gabe's 1st grade teacher. But all she had was good things to say about Gabe. He is doing so well. So far he spends about half his day with his large regular class (Mrs. Yerkes) and the mornings with Mrs Tanner. He is doing more school work in Mrs. Tanner's class then his regular class. His reading is coming along well and he is a whiz at math. There is a 2nd grader in Mrs. Tanners class that Gabe is actually teaching how to do addition. She said he is so patient with him. We need to work on his writing skills but since being back at school it has gotten better. He really enjoys going to school. Let's just hope this keeps up. I am so proud of my little boy.


  1. Tata Caroline said:

    Hi, we are back from France, had a great time. So happy to here that Gab is doing so well in school. I'm very proud of his mommy and daddy too. just wanted to touch base will quick!! love Caroline

  2. Tata Brigitte said:

    Please tell Gabe that TaTa Brigitte is also soooo verrry proud of him in his first year at school. Gabe had a long adjustment period but he's come through with flying colors. The fact that he knows his parents love him and are by his side will do volumes for him down the road.
    Hugs and kisses to you all! I'm terribly jet lagged and going to bed early. Sandrine would love to hear from you so I'll send you her email address this coming week...too bleary eyed right now.

