Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

The boys had fun finding the eggs. We had a wonderful dinner with Kaela and Wyatt. We will miss them when they move.

Who is that cutie pie?

Never Ready to Say Goodbye

We're never ready to say goodbye
To someone we hold dear.
If it were up to us, dear Dad,
We'd always keep you here.
But God has reasons of His own
And plans we cannot know,
And these are always for our good,
Though it may seem not so.
Our arms are empty and our hearts
Are filled with tears and grief,
For we who loved each day with you,
Now find those days too brief.
Yet if we could only heaven see,
We'd know you're happy there,
And we would never call you back
When such great joy you share.
And so we'll trust you to God's great care
And know some day, once more,
We'll hold you to our hearts again
When we reach heaven's shore.

We love you Dad.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Feeling Blue

I miss everybody. My family. My friends. Dad is still in the hospital and not doing well. The boys are driving me crazy. My job is unstable ( big layoffs last week).

Sorry to be such a downer. I will post once I am in a better frame of mind.

Ta ta for now.