Friday, August 20, 2010

Gabe at MeeMaws learning how to Kayak

Gabe had a great time at MeeMaws. He had the chance to learn how to Kayak and it looks like he had fun and got the hang of it. He can do anything if he just puts his mind to it.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Just a note

Well another birthday has come and gone. I was a little sad yesterday since Charley and Gabe were not there to share the day with. As for Alex, he was more interested in playing with the boys, torturing the kitten, and climbing under the back deck. I was able to catch up on some movies that I know Charley would never watch. Not enough blood and guts to keep him interested. Charley and Gabe will be back from Virginia on Wed. so I will be posting pictures shortly after that.

School starts back up next week. Gabe starts 2nd grade on the 25th and Alex will be starting Kindergarten the week after. Alex has to go in for an interview on the 23rd to see where he fits in with the rest of the kids in the class. He has learned quite a bit over the summer at the daycare.

They are growing up so fast. Where does the time go? When they were babies you want them to grow up faster and now I want them to slow down.

Well that's it for now.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Zermott Resort in Midway Utah

Charley treated the family to a night in a great resort. It is only 40 minutes away but it felt like we were manyhours away. It was like we were in a resort in the Alps. We had a lot of fun in the pool and wlaking around the beautiful grounds. On our way home we stopped at one of my favorite places - Bridal Viel Falls.

Downata Hot Springs - Idaho

We had a fantastic time with some great friends in Idaho. The pool at Downata was a cool 90 degrees. It was a little to warm for me. We enjoyed staying in the Teepee. We were even OK with sharing it with the Voles until they ate a hole in my bag and found our bread. We also spent an afternoon in Hot Springs Idaho. Next time we will have to do the river rafting. It looked like a lot of fun. The boys enjoyed themselves and so did we.